Finally, the site has been redesigned as a one page reminiscent of a fun building environment, with a separate mobile version for faster loading for mobile visitors. Back-end system for organic growth of the website has been providing unobstructed implementation of new features for 2 years.
The training project for the S'39 Hybrid Design Manufactory started in 2012. Each year, BETON trains architects in a unique accredited BETON course and redesigns it for the use of concrete and custom objects as advertised and executed. We designed the website, its features and solutions together with graphic designer Kata Kerekes.
Since the BETON course is only held once a year, you clearly need to meet the needs of students, consultants and supporters in 3 phases. We had to create a website that would provide proper presentation and reference before and after the course, but also help organize the work of the students during the course.