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Influencer marketing

During influencer marketing we focus on influential people instead of the whole market. Our agency can provide help with identifying the right influencers, namely, finding those influential people mainly in social media who have the relevant follower base for your company, brand, product or service. We can create great reach (getting to as many people as possible) or work on a professional basis (reaching a smaller, but much more targeted community). This depends fully on the needs and capabilities of the client. We have our own influencer, agency and online influencer-marketing platform connections.

Content management & PR

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Forest & Ray

Forest & Ray

Our latest partner, Forest & Ray Dental, based in London with Hungarian roots, primarily serving Hungarian patients. Due to their expanding portfolio,…

Katica Tanya

Katica Tanya

Katica Tanya Adventure Center is located in Patca, in the heart of Zselic, Somogy County.
