Client relations have to be nurtured. Sending regular newsletters is a perfect way to do it. Newsletter is your own targeted channel, where you can inform your consumers about the most important pieces of information about your company.
newsletters provide an easy way to stay in touch with your existing and prospective clients,
you can communicate quickly and efficiently about news concerning your company, items on sale and important pieces of information,
you can reach your clients on your own channel, which is both inexpensive and targeted,
segmenting is also an option.
The first step of newsletter preparation is building a database, which is vital in the life of a company. In the most ideal case, besides surname, first name and email address, we also get other data from our clients and consumers. These data help us to make our newsletters more personalized. It is important, however, to have the consent of every recipient of our newsletter. With an existing database, it is the responsibility of the client. The database needs to be extended continuously. We are here to help you with that.
Using the database, we can prepare different newsletter campaigns. These also offer the possibility of segmenting, depending on the properties of the database. If we can divide the people in the database to separate groups, based on gender or interest, for instance, we can use personalized ads. This way we are able to send newsletters to the precise target group of our most recent sales.
Our newsletters are built personally for you, reflecting the image of your company. We also provide creative copywriting for your newsletters. You only have to specify the subject and aim of the letter, and specify the subpages to appear after clicks.
We are also able to prepare individual pieces of creative design for your newsletter.